학습 Q&A
be made with(p.84)
  • 2020.06.12
  • 김희진
Ch. 4 수동태 중간기말대비문제 33번 Q). Write down the correct word for each blank. 33. This bread is made ________ flour, milk and eggs. 답이 from인데 with는 안되나요? be made from이 숙어인 것은 알겠는데 시험문제 <보기>에 "This bread is made with flour, milk and eggs." 라고 제시되면 틀렸다고 해야 하나요?
문의에 대한 답변을 드립니다.
  • 2020.06.13
  • 마더텅

김희진님 안녕하세요!


질문에 답변해드리겠습니다.

Made from

We often use made from when we talk about how something is manufactured:

Plastic is made from oil.

The earliest canoes were made from tree trunks.

Made of

We use made of when we talk about the basic material or qualities of something. It has a meaning similar to ‘composed of’:

She wore a beautiful necklace made of silver.


What’s this table made of?


It’s oak, American white oak.


It’s lovely.

Made out of

We usually use made out of when we talk about something that has been changed or transformed from one thing into another:

In the 1970s, it was popular to have candle-holders made out of wine bottles.

They were living in tents made out of old plastic sheets.

Made with

We use made with most often to talk about the ingredients of food and drink:

This dish is made with beef, red peppers and herbs.

Is sushi always made with raw fish or do the Japanese use cooked fish too?



위 내용은 제가 케임브릿지 딕셔너리에서 발췌해온 내용입니다.


made from은 어떻게 만들어졌는지(how something is manufactured)에 대해 설명할 때에 사용합니다.


made with는 주로 음식의 재료(ingredients of food and drink)에 대해 설명할 때에 사용합니다.


따라서, 빵이 밀가루, 우유, 그리고 달걀로 만들어졌다고 표현할 때에


강조하려는 뉘앙스에 따라 made from, 그리고 made with 둘 다 가능합니다.


추가 설명이 필요하시면 언제든지 편하게 질문해주세요.

